This installment of the “I am Baghdad” series references the topic of the Shei’a and Sunna sectarian conflict that has boiled to a crescendo after the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

The illegible calligraphic pattern on the faces is a mixture of three or more names referencing key founders of the two main sects of the Islamic faith.

I am Baghdad – Shie’i & Sunni IX
Acrylic, charcoal and marker pen on Arabic newspaper on canvas
48″ x 48″- 122 cm x 122 cm 

I am Baghdad – Shie’i & Sunni XIV
Acrylic, charcoal and marker pen on Arabic newspaper on canvas
48″ x 48″- 122 cm x 122 cm 

I am Baghdad – Shie’i & Sunni I
Acrylic, charcoal and marker pen on Arabic newspaper on canvas
48″ x 48″- 122 cm x 122 cm 

I am Baghdad – Shie’i & Sunni VI
Acrylic, charcoal and marker pen on Arabic newspaper on canvas
48″ x 48″- 122 cm x 122 cm 

I am Baghdad – Shie’i & Sunni IV
Acrylic, charcoal and marker pen on Arabic newspaper on canvas
48″ x 48″- 122 cm x 122 cm 

I am Baghdad – Shie’i & Sunni VIII
Acrylic, charcoal and marker pen on Arabic newspaper on canvas
48″ x 48″- 122 cm x 122 cm 

I am Baghdad – Shie’i & Sunni II
Gold leaf, acrylic and charcoal  on Arabic newspaper on canvas
48″ x 48″- 122 cm x 122 cm 

I am Baghdad – Shie’i & Sunni V
Gold leaf, acrylic and charcoal  on Arabic newspaper on canvas
72″ x 72″- 183 cm x 183 cm 

I am Baghdad – Shie’i & Sunni VII
Acrylic, charcoal and marker pen on canvas
48″ x 48″- 122 cm x 122 cm